Title: Unveiling the "Hidden Worlds": A Tribute to toogelow/Port Davey by Peter Marmion
Updated: Jan 9
Nestled within the heart of our beloved Southwest Tasmania lies a treasure that many are still unaware of - toogelow, also known as Port Davey. This remote, wild, and ruggedly exquisite location has been the muse behind Peter Marmion's captivating compilation, "Hidden Worlds." We, at Oceana B&B, are thrilled to share insights into this masterful publication, chronicling a world that we too, hold close to our hearts.
It seems like just yesterday, during our maiden voyage to the Southwest in April 2021, we had the pleasure of first meeting Peter. He was more than just a guide during our Par Avion Southwest Wilderness Camp Experience; he was a storyteller, illuminating the very soul of the wilderness that unfolded around us.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR. "Peter Marmion has been a regular visitor to toogelow/Port Davey for over fifty years. Throughout this time, he has sailed, bushwalked, and canoed the toogelow/Port Davey area, building up an intimate knowledge that he now shares with guests in his role as a guide for several companies. Peter’s guiding experience in the Southwest extends over thirty years. He has been a volunteer on the Orange-bellied Parrot Recovery Program for twenty-five years and has been a member of Wildcare’s Friends of Melaleuca since its inception in 2009. Peter has been an avid photographer of the toogelow/Port Davey area since his first visit in 1973. His photographs have been published in many books, magazines, and online sites."
"Hidden Worlds" is not just a book; it's Peter's heart poured out onto pages. Embarking on this project was no mere whim. For seven years, it simmered in his mind, finally taking shape over the last two. Peter sifted through 44,000 photographs, each a memory, a captured moment of raw beauty, deciding which images could tell the story of Port Davey most strikingly.
And, oh, how his photographs speak! They are not just pictures but emotions crystallized. Through his lens, Peter has managed to capture the whispers of the wind, the reflections in the undisturbed waters, the secrets tucked beneath rugged terrains, and the spirit of the skies that watch over. Each snapshot is a tribute, highlighting the urgency to preserve this fragile wilderness.
But perhaps what touches the heart most is the dedication of "Hidden Worlds". Addressed to his grandchildren, it carries a hope - a future where this unspoiled, magnificent corner of the world still stands, unyielding and proud. It's a call to each of us, reminding us of the responsibility we share. Peter's message resonates with an undeniable clarity - we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.
As avid supporters of conservation and lovers of the Tasmanian wilderness, we find "Hidden Worlds" to be more than just a book. It is an invitation, a visual journey, urging us to become advocates for the protection and preservation of a natural heritage that is as beautiful as it is vulnerable.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Peter Marmion for this monumental accomplishment. "Hidden Worlds" is available for purchase, and we can assure you, it is a possession to be cherished. In it lies not just the beauty of toogelow/Port Davey, but also the hope for its tomorrow.
Experience the magic and mystery of the places you love, through the eyes of those who know it best. For more such inspiring stories, stay connected with us at Oceana B&B.